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Obama's School Camp
Help the US President Barack Obama urge Amerca's school children to work hard at school in the face of Republican outrage!
Type the letters on the planes as they appear!
When you press a key corrosponding to a plane on the screen, you will destroy it. Pressing keys when there are no corrosponding planes will lose you a life!
If a plane hits the president you will also lose a life!
Lose 5 lives and the game is over!
When you press a key corrosponding to a plane on the screen, you will destroy it. Pressing keys when there are no corrosponding planes will lose you a life!
If a plane hits the president you will also lose a life!
Lose 5 lives and the game is over!
Game, Obama, School, Education, T-enterprise
- Action
- Education
Date added: 2012-08-20 15:05:01 BST
Times played: 224
Times played: 224
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