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Prehistoric Blackjack

It wasn't surprising, that that morning began with an astonishing half-transparent sunrise, which promised a new fresh day. And the day began. The sun was shining, but there was no sound in the forest. Why? There were no cheerful birds, a wild animal disturbed with something didn't growl, all snakes hided, all insects disappeared, but the birds of prey were flying in the sky. What had happened? It was the beginning of an unprecedented drought, it carried death into jungle. There was no water, the plants were drying up; there was no food and the animals were starving. Their life stopped. It was quiet in the village of prehistoric people. Around the village several monkeys were sitting on the trees exhausted from the heat.
Casino, Black Jack, Blackjack, Casino games, Prehistoric blackjack
- Casino
Date added: 2012-10-04 01:20:45 BST
Times played: 528
Times played: 528
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