Playing Flash Games in Modern Chrome

To Play Flash Games on this site (After flash was discontinued and removed from chrome)

Windows, Mac and Linux - All Chromium Browsers

Flash Player Emulator 2022 - All Chromium Browsers

To Play Unity Games on this site (After Unity 3D was discontinued)


Step 1. Install Unity Web Player 3
Step 2. Install Gameload

Mac OS 10.7 or AboveInstall Unity Web Player 3


Dungeon Tactics 2

Turn by turn medieval Chess/Pacman-like
New, nice addictive flash game

The dungeon of fear is the only remains of the castle of the families of Cavalades. During the XIIe century, this family is the source of many battles against the neighboring lords. Solicitating the famous battle of Calvary which was the scene of many atrocities.

Use Arrows key for ESCAPE BY THE MEDIEVAL HANGING CAGE - BEWARE OF SQUELETON - One step for one step !

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Use Arrows key for ESCAPE BY THE MEDIEVAL HANGING CAGE - BEWARE OF SQUELETON - One step for one step !
Game, Puzzle, Quest, Kill, Free, Challenge, Zombie, Zombies, Blood, Awesome, Knight, Addictive, Weapons, Dead, Death, Great, Medieval, Super, Best, Intense, Chess, Walking dead, Bloody, Gratuit, Sokoban, Enigme, Defi, Zombis, Mort, Vivant, Alive, Left4dead, Tuer, Sang, Violent, Armes, Addictif, Meilleur, Jeu, Extraordinaire, Sanglant, Génial, Fièvre, Dégâts, Squelettes, Donjons, Quête, Effets, Spéciaux, Living, Violence, Amazing, Fever, Damage, Skeletons, Dungeons, Effects, Special, Herausforderung, Tot, Lebendig, Tod, Leben, Wandelnde Tote, Töten, Blut, Gewalt, Waffen, Große, Süchtig machende, Intensiv, Am besten, Erstaunliche, Blutige, Fieber, Schaden, Skelette, Quests, Effekte, Spezielle, Rompecabezas, Reto, Muerto, Vida, Muerte, Muertos vivientes, Matar, Sangre, Violencia, Armas, Grande, Adictivo, Intenso, En el mejor juego, Libre, Con sangre increíble, Impresionante, Fiebre, Daños, Los esqueletos, Las mazmorras, Misiones, Efectos, Especiales, παζλ, πρόκληση, ζόμπι, νεκρό, ζωντανό, το θάνατο, ζωή, το περπάτημα νεκροί, σκοτώσουν, το αίμα, τη βία, τα όπλα, μεγάλος, εθιστικό, έντονες, καλύτερα, το παιχνίδι, δωρεάν, καταπληκτικό, αιματηρή, τρομερός, πυρετός, βλάβες, σκελετοί, μπουντρούμια, αναζήτηση, αποτελέσματα, ειδικά, Sfida, Morto vivente, La morte, Vivo, Morti che camminano, Uccidere, Sangue, Violenza, Armi, Coinvolgente, Meglio, Incredibile, Sanguinosa, Impressionante, Febbre, Danno, Scheletri, Dungeon, Effetti, Speciali, головоломки, задачи, зомби, мертвых, живых, смерти, жива, ходячие мертвецы, убивать, кровь, насилие, оружие, большой, захватывающий, интенсивные, лучшие, игры, бесплатно, удивительно, кровавые, удивительный, лихорадка, повреждение, скелеты, подземелья, квест, эффекты, специальные, Like, Pacman, Cavalade
  • Leaderboard
  • Puzzles
  • Strategy
Date added: 2012-10-01 23:50:09 BST
Times played: 1347

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