Games By Catagory
Playing Flash Games in Modern Chrome
To Play Flash Games on this site (After flash was discontinued and removed from chrome)
Windows, Mac and Linux - All Chromium Browsers
To Play Unity Games on this site (After Unity 3D was discontinued)
Step 1. Install Unity Web Player 3
Step 2. Install Gameload
Mac OS 10.7 or AboveInstall Unity Web Player 3
Online Tanks
Online Tanks is an online, multiplayer game. Try to blast your opponent before you get blasted. Visit to create an account and keep the weapons and shields you buy.
Take turns adjusting your power and angle and try and blast your opponent. Each round or game you win earns you money. Use this money to buy extra weapons and shields. Weapons and shields don't get 'used up', you take them into every game you play, but use them wisely so you have some on later rounds. Left and Right to adjust angle, Up and Down to adjust power, Space to fire, hold Shift to change weapons/shields and Press Enter to chat. Press Tab at the main screen to buy additional weapons or shields.
Online, Multiplayer, Live, Tanks
- Action
Date added: 2012-09-24 13:14:39 BST
Times played: 180
Times played: 180
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