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Cards Wars
Cards Wars turn-based strategy is the unique mix of "Risk" board game and playing cards. Together they create extra dimensions of addictive gameplay. Use your cards as your soldiers and conquer the world!
Cards Wars is the innovative concept of the Risk-inspired TBS. The playing cards are your soldiers and this adds new dimensions of gameplay, while keeping it easy to understand.rnrnVarious maps, experience points which unlock powerups, up to 10 competing players, multiple achievements: all these add to the game's depth, creating unlimited replayability.rnDrag-and-drop to attack and move. Click to rearrange the garrison. The way you arrange the cards before the battle affects its outcome greately. End Turn button is in the top left corner of the screen.rnAll the controls are clearly explained in the tutorial.
War, Cards, Strategy, TBS, Turn-based, Conquer, Risk, Dicewars, Province, Territory, Hotseat
- Strategy
Date added: 2012-08-16 00:24:01 BST
Times played: 379
Times played: 379
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