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Playing Flash Games in Modern Chrome
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To Play Unity Games on this site (After Unity 3D was discontinued)
Step 1. Install Unity Web Player 3
Step 2. Install Gameload
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Nightly BreakOut

Nightly BreakOut is a arkanoid and breakout game featuring 20 challenging levels. The mission is simple destroy all the bricks and dont let the ball drop to the floor. Instead of classical arkanoid games you control a 360-wheel to hit ball back to the bricks. For every brick you destroy you climb higher up in the leader board!
Classic, Zayplay games, Arcade, Skills, Arkanoid, Breakout, Nightly breakout
- Puzzles
- Shooting
- Arcade
Date added: 2012-10-02 00:21:04 BST
Times played: 600
Times played: 600
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