Games By Catagory
Playing Flash Games in Modern Chrome
To Play Flash Games on this site (After flash was discontinued and removed from chrome)
Windows, Mac and Linux - All Chromium Browsers
To Play Unity Games on this site (After Unity 3D was discontinued)
Step 1. Install Unity Web Player 3
Step 2. Install Gameload
Mac OS 10.7 or AboveInstall Unity Web Player 3
SAG underwater cave mission

Navigate through a minefield in an underwater cave , and see how far you can get.
Choose Keyboard or mouse controls
Keyboard control: Left / right arrow keys to move UP arrow to fire boosters and float, SPACE bar to fire mini torpedos ( use wisely )
Mouse control. Left click for a boost to keep your agent afloat. move mouse left right, up down to move through the minefield.
To fire missiles click on the sub
Keyboard control: Left / right arrow keys to move UP arrow to fire boosters and float, SPACE bar to fire mini torpedos ( use wisely )
Mouse control. Left click for a boost to keep your agent afloat. move mouse left right, up down to move through the minefield.
To fire missiles click on the sub
Action, Cave, Minefield, Secret agent
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Date added: 2012-09-25 13:13:57 BST
Times played: 184
Times played: 184
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