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Times Tables

Online game to learn the times tables.

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Based on the old maths tables grid, you can choose to work through each times table from 1 to 12 or you can choose a single table to try. In both modes you can try each table as many times as you like, either in ordinary or random mode (see below). Pressing 'R' in any level lets you re-start that time’s table.

On the main screen you will see two buttons, Play From Tables 1 - 12 and Choose A Table. Clicking Play From Tables 1 - 12 takes you to the One Times Table to start, while clicking Choose A Table, displays 12 more buttons, one for each table. You then click on the one of your choice.

There are two ways of completing each level/table.

1.Ordinary sequence

Click on this grey button and each box on the grid turns green, stepping up one at a time up to 12, as you choose the answer numbers below the table, by clicking on the one you think goes in that box. If you make a mistake you will be asked to try again. There is no penalty for this and indeed you can select to start again yourself by pressing 'R'. Practice makes perfect!

2.Random sequence

This method is the same as level 1 but the green question box appears at random on the grid. If you complete the table by this method you will be awarded a much higher merit award on your certificate. The highest award of "Distinction" will be given if you complete the level by this method in under 30 seconds (no cheating please), hence the appearance of a timer.

To make things a little more tricky there are wild card numbers at each level, which are not the correct answers.
Flash educational games, Times tables, Multiplication tables, Times tables online game, Learn times tables online, Multiplication tables online
  • Education
Date added: 2012-10-08 17:06:02 BST
Times played: 174

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