Playing Flash Games in Modern Chrome

To Play Flash Games on this site (After flash was discontinued and removed from chrome)

Windows, Mac and Linux - All Chromium Browsers

Flash Player Emulator 2022 - All Chromium Browsers

To Play Unity Games on this site (After Unity 3D was discontinued)


Step 1. Install Unity Web Player 3
Step 2. Install Gameload

Mac OS 10.7 or AboveInstall Unity Web Player 3



This is a music production software, the software can simulate piano, xylophone, bells,

triangle, guitar, bass and other sounds of individual instruments.
The players are free to edit the instrument, combined with a powerful drum machine editing

rhythm library. Players can create unique music.
Music production software (simulation of various musical instruments, and percussion rhythm,

with recording function)

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This is a music production software, the software can simulate piano, xylophone, bells,

triangle, guitar, bass and other sounds of individual instruments.
The players are free to edit the instrument, combined with a powerful drum machine editing

rhythm library. Players can create unique music.
Music production software (simulation of various musical instruments, and percussion rhythm,

with recording function)
Music, Tone, Piano, Guitar, 音乐, Bass, Bell, Dump, Percussion instrument, 打击乐器, 音色, PERCUSSIVE, Cowbell, 贝司, 木琴, 六弦琴, 大提琴
  • Education
  • Other
  • Rhythm
Date added: 2012-10-08 01:47:12 BST
Times played: 620

Similar Games

\r\nPara salvar tu composicion debes hacer click en \"SAVE\" y luego, en un cuadro blanco situado abajo, haz click con el boton derecho del raton, y en el menu que sale haz click en \"Seleccionar todo\" luego haz click de nuevo con el boton derecho y selecciona \"Copiar\" ahora abre tu Bloc de Notas de Windows, ve a \"Inicio\", luego en \"Todos los programas\" y despues en \"Accesorios\", luego haz click en \"Bloc de Notas\", una vez que se abra, en el menu \"Edicion\" selecciona \"Pegar\", luego haz click en \"Archivo\" y \"Guardar\" para guardarlo donde quieras.
\r\nPara cargar tu pieza o la de tus amigos primero de todo selecciona toda la composicion que tu has recivido (comienza y termina con un numero), luego haz click con el boton derecho en ella y elige \"Copiar\", luego en el ASD Piano, una vez que estes en el modo Composer, haz click con el boton derecho en el cuadro blanco de abajo y elige \"Pegar\" luego haz click en el boton \"LOAD\" y ya puedes hacer click en \"PLAY\" para escucharla o puedes editarla para añadir tus modificaciones. Puedes tambien hacer click en las canciones prefabricadas \"Premade\" para cargar una de las 5 melodias disponibles, haciendo esto cargara la cancion entera asi que asegurate de salvar tu composicion antes, mira lo que nuestro talentoso equipo ha hecho y aprende a la vez.
\r\nThe ASD Piano is a device made by I2 Interactive and sold widely everywhere. Here you can have fun playing with it. It has 7 keys that correspond to the 7 notes and you can play them by pressing the corresponding keys on your Keyboard A-S-D-F-G-H-J
\r\nIn this game you have 3 modes to have your fun time with the ASD Piano TM.
\r\nFree Mode: Here you can play as you like, pressing the keys as you wish, click the Back button to go to tittle screen.
\r\nMemory: You will hear a short melody and then you have to play it again, many short melodies will pop and after succesfully playing them you can submit your score to the Hi-Score table.
\r\nComposer: You can compose your own original pieces!! and share with your friends, show the world the talent you have!!
\r\nIn the composer screen press the \"REC\" button to start making your composition, play the keys that you wish and feel the best, you can play several keys at the same time and get awesome results. When you feel its finished hit the \"STOP\" button to finish the recording,
\r\n You can adjust your piece speed altering the value given at the bottom left and also you can add a background loop to acompany it selecting from the available tunes from 1 to 6.
\r\n You can hear your original piece clicking the \"PLAY\" button, click \"STOP\" to halt it at any point, with the playhead stopped you can click on any part of your pentagram, the playhead will go there, and playing any keys there will modify that part, you can click on \"ERASE PART\" to delete the notes on that part.
\r\n If you click \"ERASE ALL\" the whole piece will be deleted so be careful, also clicking \"Back\" will delete the piece so save first.
\r\nTo save it you have to click the \"SAVE\" button and then, there is a white square at the bottom, right click on it and on the menu click \"Select all\" then right click again and on the menu click on \"Copy\" then open your Windows Notepad, go to START then ALL PROGRAMS and then ACCESORIES, then click on Notepad and there select Edit menu and Paste, then click on File and Save to save it anywhere you like.
\r\nTo load your piece or your friends compositions first of all select the whole composition that you have received (starts and ends with a number), then right click on it and select Copy, then in the ASD Piano, once in the Composer mode right click on the white square at the bottom and select Paste then click on the \"LOAD\" button and now you can click on \"PLAY\" to listen to it, or you can edit that to add your own modifications.
\r\nYou can also click on the premade songs to load them, doing that will load the entire song so be sure to save your work first, see what our talented team has made and learn from there.',WIDTH,300,FADEIN,0,DELAY,0,BGCOLOR, '#E2E7FF', BORDERCOLOR,'#003099',FONTCOLOR,'#000044',FONTSIZE,'8pt',FONTFACE,'Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif')" onmouseout="UnTip()"> ASD Piano Maestro Compositor
ASD Piano Maestro Compositor

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