Games By Catagory
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Lines of Action

The aim of the game is to moves all your pieces so they form a single connected group. Diagonals count when checking to see if a piece is in a group.
A piece can move in any of the eight directions. A piece can jump over pieces from it's own side. A piece may capture a piece from the opposition side by landing on it. A piece cannot jump over a piece from the opposition side
A piece moves a number of spaces equal to the total number of pieces (from either side, including itself) that are in the row, column, or diagonal it is moving in.
Yes, you can accidentally make your opponent win by capturing a stray piece of theirs. In the event of both players connecting their pieces simultaneously then the moving player wins.
Click a piece to select it for movement, legal squares become highlighted. Click on a square to move the piece there or click the piece again to deselect it.
A piece can move in any of the eight directions. A piece can jump over pieces from it's own side. A piece may capture a piece from the opposition side by landing on it. A piece cannot jump over a piece from the opposition side
A piece moves a number of spaces equal to the total number of pieces (from either side, including itself) that are in the row, column, or diagonal it is moving in.
Yes, you can accidentally make your opponent win by capturing a stray piece of theirs. In the event of both players connecting their pieces simultaneously then the moving player wins.
Click a piece to select it for movement, legal squares become highlighted. Click on a square to move the piece there or click the piece again to deselect it.
Action, Game, Board, Chess, Abstract, Lines, Checkers, Mental
- Board Game
Date added: 2012-10-08 00:26:38 BST
Times played: 629
Times played: 629
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\r\nIf you can make a jump in your turn then you have to do it !!!
\r\nWhen multiple-option jumping moves are available, whether with the one piece in different directions or multiple pieces that can make various jumping moves, the player may choose which piece to jump with and which jumping option or sequence of jumps to make. The jumping sequence chosen does not necessarily have to be the one that would have resulted in the most captures; however, one must make all available captures in the chosen sequence.',WIDTH,300,FADEIN,0,DELAY,0,BGCOLOR, '#E2E7FF', BORDERCOLOR,'#003099',FONTCOLOR,'#000044',FONTSIZE,'8pt',FONTFACE,'Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif')" onmouseout="UnTip()">
\r\nWhen multiple-option jumping moves are available, whether with the one piece in different directions or multiple pieces that can make various jumping moves, the player may choose which piece to jump with and which jumping option or sequence of jumps to make. The jumping sequence chosen does not necessarily have to be the one that would have resulted in the most captures; however, one must make all available captures in the chosen sequence.',WIDTH,300,FADEIN,0,DELAY,0,BGCOLOR, '#E2E7FF', BORDERCOLOR,'#003099',FONTCOLOR,'#000044',FONTSIZE,'8pt',FONTFACE,'Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif')" onmouseout="UnTip()">

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