Games By Catagory
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Kingdom in the Clouds

It is with great pleasure that I bring a game to your attention that is looking for sponsorship. "Kingdom in the Clouds" is an action/defense game complete with an upgrade system. You play as a young prince who must return with his sister after falling far from their kingdom in the clouds.rnThere are 5 different zones you must battle through before reaching your kingdom. Each zone, accompanied by its own unique art and music, has 5 levels you must complete before advancing to the next. As you advance, the levels increase in difficulty. To beat the game you must successfully complete all levels and defeat the final wave.To aid you in your journeys, the player is introduced to an upgrade system via a companion owl named "Hoot." The upgrades are a variety of both offensive and defensive skills. These include health upgrades for your character and your sister, a powerful wall in the form of a cloud, decreasing the amount of time that Hoot delivers helpful item drops, and a devastating zap attack!So, why should you sponsor "Kingdom in the Clouds?" Simple. This game stands out from the blandness that is poured out on a daily basis. You are offered something unique in regards to art, sound, character design, original soundtrack, and game-play value. The animations for the introduction and the ending are beautiful. So few games offer anything in the way of story line with animations these days. This will be a gem in your collection!rn*Note* Upon max purchase of your health, you will have a total of 10 hearts.
Action, Defense, Art, Music, Upgrade, Story, Levels, Hero, Clouds, Children, Gem, Original, Line, Kingdom, The, Prince, System, Beautiful, Soundtrack, Young, Long, Game-play, Value
- Action
- Adventure
- Defense
Date added: 2012-10-05 16:00:08 BST
Times played: 752
Times played: 752
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