Playing Flash Games in Modern Chrome

To Play Flash Games on this site (After flash was discontinued and removed from chrome)

Windows, Mac and Linux - All Chromium Browsers

Flash Player Emulator 2022 - All Chromium Browsers

To Play Unity Games on this site (After Unity 3D was discontinued)


Step 1. Install Unity Web Player 3
Step 2. Install Gameload

Mac OS 10.7 or AboveInstall Unity Web Player 3



In this 2D puzzle/platformer, you play as the lovable and optimistic robot, Bit. You must make your way through the perilous, challenging, robot-killing levels of a human-less planet. Luckily, Bit is programmed to upload special Blocks into the world around it! Got ice in your way? No problem! Place a Fire Block to melt the ice and clear the path! Platform too high? Psh! Place a Moving Block to carry you! Alien Lasers giving you trouble? Puh-lease! Drop a Crystal Block to protect you! This may all sound easy, but you're going to need all your side-scrolling and puzzle-solving skills to beat all 35 levels that we've created.

In addition to the 35 levels, BlockHopper features a full-fledged level editor that allows players to share their own levels with the world! With limitless user-made levels, BlockHopper has potentially infinite replayability! Along with tight controls, old-school pixel-art graphics, incredible music from Starship Amazing (, and witty banter that only a chipper, "life"-loving robot could spout, BlockHopper waits for you to run, hop, and think your way to victory!

BlockHopper is also available on on the Apple App Store! Play and create levels on the go on your iOS device!

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- Use the WASD or arrow keys to move Bit. Up/W jumps. Hold the jump key longer to make Bit jump higher.
- When you have Blocks available, click the screen or press Space to enter Block Mode. Click to place the currently selected Block. Click the exit Block mode button or press Space to exit Block Mode.
- When you have multiple Blocks, click the arrows beside the currently selected Block or press Q/E to scroll through them.
- If you get stuck, press Esc to self-destruct Bit. Don't worry, Bit re-uploads itself, so you can retry the level!
- Hit Down or S to activate a Goal Block and complete a level!
Platformer, Art, Retro, Pixel, Block, Robot, Digital, Side-scroller
  • Action
  • Puzzles
Date added: 2012-08-20 15:57:05 BST
Times played: 48

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