Playing Flash Games in Modern Chrome

To Play Flash Games on this site (After flash was discontinued and removed from chrome)

Windows, Mac and Linux - All Chromium Browsers

Flash Player Emulator 2022 - All Chromium Browsers

To Play Unity Games on this site (After Unity 3D was discontinued)


Step 1. Install Unity Web Player 3
Step 2. Install Gameload

Mac OS 10.7 or AboveInstall Unity Web Player 3


Jones Platformer

Jones is a super hard platformer! But if you get used to it you will be having much fun!

There are many things to do in this game! You can find the key and pass stages, collect coins, kill monsters, collect letters and enter the hiden stage, etc etc!

Also you can perform more than 20 moves in Jones Platformer like running, squat down, sliding, jumping, wall jumping, ladder climbing, sliding down walls, tightrope walking, pushing box, back jump...See how smooth you drive your moves!

See how many levels you can pass!

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The only keys you need to use in game is the arrow keys / WASD! Simple isn't it?
Platform, Platformer, Games, Jumping, Adventure, Rpg, Magic, Sword, Wow, Warrior, Online, Free, Treasure, Play, Running, Knight, Explore, Hero, Medieval, Mmorpg, Dwarf, Bow, Sliding, Slime, 战士, Fighter, Compose, Componer, Zelda, Super mario, Warcraft, Archer, Juegos, Jeux, 무료, Devil, Collect coins, Mage, Arcuz, DnD, Funnaut, Explorer, Skeleton, 冒险, Maqiu-contest-1st, Fancy pants, Parkour, Free running, Indiana Jones, Squat down, Wall jumping, Ladder climbing, Sliding down walls, Tightrope walking, Pushing box, Back jump, Find the key and pass stages, Kill monsters, Collect letters and enter the hiden stage, Bonus level, Wrap Attack, Wave Jumper, Fly Guy, Flash Game, Behind the dark, Boys Game, Diablo, ARPG, Action Role Play Game, Action Role Playing, Adventurer, Adventuring, Armor, Ragnarok Online, Cold weapon, Middle age, Battle arena, Dragon and dungeons, D and d, D&d, Devil may cry, Baldur's gate, World of Warcraft, Harry Potter, God of War, Might and Magic, Axe, Falchion, Dagger, Evil, Teamwork, Slash and hack, Mana, Arch, Elf, A midget, Goblin, Centaur, Lord of the rings, Narnia, ||jouer gratuitement en ligne, Jeu Flash, Derrière le noir, Chevalier, Guerrier, S'aventurer, Des armures, Une arme à froid, Boue, Médiévale, D'âge moyen, L'arène de combat, Le dragon et les donjons, D et D, Le MDN, Devil mai cri, Le mal, Le diable, Le héros, Travail d'équipe, Slash et hack, Un mage, Magie, Hache, Arc, Elfe, Nain, Un nain, Lutin, Le skeleton, Le Centaur, Le seigneur des anneaux, || Spiele, Flash-Spiel, Spiele, Hinter der dunklen, Action Rollenspiel, Schwert, Ritter, Krieger, Jäger, Abenteurer, Abenteuer, Rüstungen, Kalte Waffe, Schlamm, Mittelalter, Mittleren Alters, Kampf-Arena, Drachen und Verliese, D und D, Komponieren, Teufel kann weinen, Das Böse, Der Teufel, Der Held, Teamarbeit, Schrägstrich und Hack, Magier, Axt, Bogenschütze, Bogen, Zwerg, Ein Zwerg, Kobold, Skelett, Zentauren, Herr der Ringe, || gratis, En línea, Detrás de la oscuridad, Acción de rol, Espada, Caballero, Guerrero, Luchador, Aventura, Aventurero, Aventuras, Armaduras, El arma de frío, Lodo, Edad media, Campo de batalla, El dragón y mazmorras, D y D, Dios de la Guerra, Daga, El mal, Demonio, Héroe, El trabajo en equipo, El corte y hack, Mago, Magia, Hacha, Arquero, Arco, Elfo, Enano, Trasgo, Esqueleto, Centauro, Señor de los anillos, || 랩 공격, 점퍼 웨이브, 어두운, 보이스 게임, 젤다, 디아블로, 액션 역할 플레이 게임, 롤플레잉, 액션 역할 뒤에 가이, 플레이, 온라인, 게임, 플래쉬 게임, 게임 개발 플라이 소드, 나이트, 워리어, 파이터, 모험, 모험가, 갑옷, 와우, 소유주, 라그나로크 온라인, 차가운 무기, 점액, 중세, 중간 나이, 전투 분야, 드래곤과 지하 감옥, D 및 D, D 조 & D에, 작곡, YS의, 악마, Baldur의 게이트, 워크 래프트, 월드 오브 워크 래프트, '해리 포터', 하나님의 전쟁, 수도 매직, 도끼, 대거, 악한, 의, 영웅, 팀웍, 슬래시와, 마술사, 마술 마나 해킹 악마가 울고있습니다 도끼, 아처, 아치, 나비, 요정, 난쟁이, 고블린, 해골, 켄타 우루스, 반지, 나니아, 해리 poter의 제왕, || 免费, 游戏, Flash小游戏, 休闲游戏, 塞尔达, 暗黑破坏神, 角色扮演, 动作游戏, 剑, 骑士, 武士, 中世纪, 冒险者, 铠甲, 装备, 游戏装备, 仙境传说, 冷兵器, 史莱姆, 战争游戏, 竞技场, 龙与地下城, 魔兽世界, 哈利波特, 英雄无敌, 斧, 刀, 邪恶, 魔力, 网游, 升级, 杀怪, 哥布林, 矮人, 精灵, 半人马, 魔戒, 魔戒之王, 指环王, 纳尼亚传奇, 弓箭手, 弓箭, 魔法师, ゲーム 無料
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Leaderboard
  • Other
  • Sports
Date added: 2012-08-16 19:28:36 BST
Times played: 1303

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